Dorothy Ley Hospice received the benefactions
Rotarians and friends donated gifts of 12 trinket boxes, 10 writing accessories, 14 pop-up paper flowers and bags containing dozens of toiletries and cosmetics to The Dororothy Ley Hospice. Thanks to Theresa, Lynda and their many friends, Gillian Dugas (photo), Chair of Rotary Etobicoke's COVID 19 and Hands-On Etobicoke Committees, had the pleasure of delivering the items that will be shared with residents, staff and volunteers. Rotary Etobicoke had previously donated face shields and hand sanitizer and always receives a warm welcome.
"Before coronavirus, for three years Rotary Etobicoke provided a large team of volunteers to support Dorothy Ley's Hike for Hospice fundraiser which was one of our favourite days in early May", said Gillian Dugas.