Hands-On supports our community
In response to a request for headsets for the youngsters in Women's Habitat Shelter, Rotary Etobicoke's COVID 19 Committee was pleased to provide funding to purchase head-sets for the children and youth who were doing remote learning or accessing virtual programming during the last school year and over the summer.
Physical distancing has been one of the main barriers for the shelter residents and the head-sets allowed children from the same family to focus on school or counselling without distracting others in close proximity. Rotary Etobicoke has also provided filled backpacks for shelter youngsters and families in their outreach program.
Photo shared by Women's Habitat Shelter

Rotarians and friends donated new and gently used clothing to the women's section of Haven on the Queensway Clothing Closet that supports families in need of assistance. All the donations were in excellent condition, folded and placed into cellophane bags. Haven on the Queensway supports families from many Etobicoke communities.
Photo and Story by Gillian Dugas, Chair of Rotary Etobicoke's COVID 19 and Hands-On Etobicoke Committees