Supporting Out of the Cold program
Every year St. Matthew's Church and St. Margaret's Church provide overnight accommodation, dinners, showers, winter clothing, breakfasts, lunches, friendship, comfort and compassion to 30 homeless men during the winter months. And every year churches in Etobicoke reach out to Rotary Etobicoke to request our assistance in support of their Out of the Cold Program to provide the above services. Along with financial support, Rotary Etobicoke's Hands-On group has been responding with the provision of lunches through November, December and January to both Etobicoke churches.
Today, January 29, lunches were provided to St. Matthew's for their OOTC Program. 30 sandwiches of bologna, cheese and lettuce, along with bags of cookies and chocolates, oranges and apples and tins of orange juice were prepared and delivered by Gillian and Andre.
Here is a quote from Cara Wigle, Program Coordinator at St. Margaret's in regard to their OOTC Program and our Rotary assistance."Over the past few years, at meetings that I attend for LOOTC, city officials continue to reiterate that they count on the Out of the Cold program to address the needs of this very challenging group as they cannot provide what we can give them in acceptance, caring and support during the very cold months when they are more at risk than usual. Please pass my thanks, and theirs on to your Rotary members".
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